The main focus of our retreat is introducing people to their own potential in getting spiritual and getting to know themselves from a different angle, the angle of the energy body, or the chakra system. You will participate in different practical and theoretical classes, where you will be able to figure out a lot about your chakras, which are 7 in number. All you have to carry with you is your curiosity, an open mind and your inner child, who is willing to learn new and un-learn old patterns, for a more conscious image about your own self.
Yin Yoga: A static and meditative practice, where you hold the positions for several minutes, letting your body and the gravity pull you in every position, using your breath as your primary guide. Slowing down the breath will slow down all your bodily functions, especially your nervous system, so you are ready to switch off and get detached from all trivial happenings around you.
Q & A: We will clarify for you what you are going to go through during the retreat. All questions and suggestions are welcome. Also, this will be the time to set your intentions, so you know what or who you are offering your efforts and joy during our work together.
Nidra Meditation: Yogic sleep, while you can stay conscious of your surroundings, with a completely relaxed body and an increased awareness of your inner world. Just perfect for starting the journey of getting closer to yourself.
Yoga for Foundation: We will go all the way down to your roots, both on the physical and the spiritual level. We are like trees with deep roots – if there is any issue at the roots, the tree will not be able to live a complete life. The way you stand on your feet, determines a whole lot about your overall health. We will put you back on your best alignment, from the tip of your toes to the crown of your head. This way the vital energy is having its way, flowing up and down on your energy channels, with no physical blockages. You will get grounded, with no fear of opening up and loving yourself and others, just the way they are. The main focus is on the first two chakras, the root chakra and the sacral chakra. For enhancing them, we will practice hip opener and balancing Hatha Yoga poses.
Yoga for Inner Power: A power yoga session, which is perfect for awakening your willpower by lighting your inner fire. The main focus is on the solar plexus chakra, right under your sternum, what we will activate with spinal twists and backbends. At this class, you will definitely sweat and get transformed, being able to leave behind whatever doesn’t serve you anymore and become a better version of yourself.
Yoga for chest & shoulder opening: As we advance higher on the root of chakras, we arrive to the heart chakra, in the middle of your chest. The consequence of a bad posture is having hunch back, with your chin falling to your chest, and having no shoulder mobility. So, there is no physical possibility to open up your heart to others and to yourself. That is what we are going to treat at this class. First lengthening the spine, creating space between the vertebras, then twisting, flexing and extending your shoulders and chest in ways you never thought were possible. The result will be even felt on your breathing… It will give you a feeling like walking on clouds.
Communication & partner yoga: Working with the throat chakra, you will have the chance of saying out things that are bothering you for some time already, but you never had the chance of sharing them with anyone. This is the time of no judgment. Working in couples, you will also try a variety of partner postures, reaching out for each other, because of having fun is best when you can share it with someone.
Workshop of inversions & handstands: as we arrive to the last two chakras, to the third eye and the crown chakra, you will already have a body awareness, where you are wise enough to know your physical limits and are having the perfect alignment to find balance even when upside down. A fun practice, where you have to leave behind your ego and be humble towards the poses. For this is the way you can connect yourself to a higher consciousness and figure out that all what it takes it is already within you, waiting for getting unfolded.
Full Moon Yoga: As we do most every yoga class Sun Salutations, this time we will do Moon Salutations. A light practice, emphasizing your left hemisphere, your inner woman, a good type of passivity and balancing all this with the overcharged right hemisphere, as known as, the man. Yes, we all have them both in us, and acknowledging it is the normal way of life.
Chakra Meditation: starting at the bottom of your spine, at the root chakra, walking up towards the crown of your head, removing any blockage stopping your chakras from optimal rotating. You will be in a deep state of relaxation, walking your subconscious through moments of imagination and activating different types of feelings.
Philosophy: A variety of topics will be discussed, ranging from the 8 limbs of yoga to the philosophy of chakras and many more.
Anatomy workshop: understand your body, the alignments and the benefits of yoga. Interactive work in couples or small groups.
Thai Massage workshop: complementary therapy for yoga, a very relaxing way of getting stretched. It is like a yoga session done by another person to you. You will enjoy the variety of positions your body is capable of getting in.
Workshop of the participants’ choice: It will be decided after a poll. We will do what gets the most of the votes.